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What We Do

Tailored To Your Unique Context

Client 3

Transformative Professional Development

How can we best support educators in real time?

The days of uniform professional development are over. In today's world, professional development should be on-going, long-term, and on-demand, meeting the teacher when and wherever they are. 


We are pioneering a new model of 24/7 support that is unlike anything else in education. 

Client 7

On-Demand Instructional Coaching 

How do we help school leaders set up a system of support so that all teachers are engaged in continually improving instruction? 


We help school leaders identify what good instruction looks like, and then design a system so that teachers are empowered to structure their own development and learning. 

Client 8

Innovative Curriculum Design

How might we design curriculum so that students are actively engaged in learning that positively impacts people and the planet? 

Fact-based and memorization-focused instruction is useless in the 21st century. Using an interdisciplinary, project-based approach, we collaborate to create learning experiences that are learner-centered and truly prioritize student voice and choice.

WHAT WE DO: Clients
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